Hagy, H., Bohnert, A., Silton, R., Hellman, K., & Tu, F. (Under review) Characterization of two-year menstrual pain trajectories with psychological and behavioral factors in young adults.
Tu, F. F., Hellman, K., Darnell, S., Harber, K., Bohnert, A. M., Singh, L., & Walker, L. (In press). A multidimensional appraisal of early menstrual pain experience. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
DeZelar., M., Burns, M., Rosania, K. & Bohnert, A.M. (In press). Strategies for evaluating collective impact initiatives: Lessons learned from a community-academic partnership. American Journal of Evaluation.
Nicholson, L., Bohnert, A.M., & Crowley S. J. (2023). A developmental perspective on sleep consistency: Early childhood through emerging adulthood. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 21, 97-116.
Schrepf, A., Hellman, K., Bohnert, A. M., Williams, D. A. & Tu, F. (2022). Generalized sensory sensitivity is associated with comorbid pain symptoms: A replication study in women with dysmenorrhea. Pain. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002676. PMID 35543649. Advance online publication.
Rea, E. M., DeCarlo Santiago, C., Nicholson, L., Heard Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. M. (2023). Sleep, affect, and emotion reactivity in first-year college students: A daily diary study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-16.
Rea, E., Nicholson, L., Mead, M., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A.M. (2022) Daily relations between nap occurrence, duration, and timing and nocturnal sleep patterns in college students. Sleep Health, 8(4), 356-363.
Nicholson, L., Bohnert, A.M., & Crowley S. J. (2022). A developmental perspective on sleep consistency: Early childhood through emerging adulthood. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2021.2024192. Advance online publication.
Egbert, A.H., Stockdale, L.A., Nicholson, L., Sroka, A., Szpak, V., Morrison, R.G., Silton, R., & Bohnert, A.M. (2022). Delicious and difficult to resist?: Inhibitory control differs after exposure to food and non-food commercials. Appetite, 173, 105993. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2022.105993.
Loren, D. M., Rea, E. M., Harber, K. A., & Bohnert, A. M. (2022). Testing an ecological model of obesity among children: Identifying targets for intervention. Health Psychology, 41(3), 193-203. doi: 10.1037/hea0001163.
Bohnert, A. M., Nicholson, L. M., Mertz, L., Bates, C. R., & Gerstein, D. E . (2021). Green schoolyard renovations in low‐income urban neighborhoods: Benefits to students, schools, and the surrounding community. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Bates, C. R., Nicholson, L. M., Rea, E. M., Hagy, H. A., & Bohnert, A. M. (2021). Life
interrupted: Family routines buffer stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s10826-021-02063-6.
Anderson, N. A., Huguenel, B. M., Bohnert, A.M., & Conley, C. S. (2021). Organized activity involvement across the transition to college: Multiple dimensions predicting adjustment. Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention.
Brazendale, K., Beets, M.W., Armstrong, B., Weaver, R.G., Hunt, E.T., Pate, R.R., Brusseau T.A., Bohnert, A.M., Olds, T., Tassitano, R.M., Tenorio, M.C.M., Garcia, J., Andersen, L.B., Davey, R., Hallal, P.C., Jago, R., Kolle, E., Kriemler, S., Kristensen, P.L., Kwon, S., Puder, J.J., Salmon, J., Sardinha, L.B., van Sluijs, E.M.F. & on behalf of the ICAD collaborators (2021). Children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on weekdays versus weekend days: A multi-country analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18 doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01095-x.
Gerstein, D. E., Bates, C., & Bohnert, A.M. (2021). Evaluating a green schoolyard transformation: A protocol using the RE-AIM framework. Children, Youth and Environments, 31, 187-198.
Nicholson, L., McLeod Loren, D., Reifenberg, A., Beets, M., & Bohnert, A.M. (2021). School as a protective setting for excess weight gain and child obesity: A meta-analysis. Journal of School Health.
Egbert, A.H. Nicholson, L., Sroka, A., Silton, R., & Bohnert, A.M. (2020). Binge eating, but not dietary restraint, moderates the association between unhealthy food marketing exposure and sugary food consumption. Eating Behaviors, 101401.
Nicholson, L., Egbert, A.H., Moreno, J.P., & Bohnert, A.M. (2020). Variability of sleep and relations to body weight among first year college students. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-11.
Rea, E.M., Bohnert, A.M., Moreno, J.P., & Hardin, A. (2020). Keeping kids active: Summertime interventions to address physical activity. In T. Brusseau, S. Fairclough, & D. Lubans (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity. New York: Routledge.
Bohnert, A. M., Loren, D. M., & Miller, A. L. (2020). Examining childhood obesity through the lens of developmental psychopathology: Framing the issues to guide best practices in research and intervention. American Psychologist, 75(2), 163.
Egbert, A.H., Creber, C., Loren, D.M., & Bohnert, A.M. (2019). Executive function and dietary intake in youth: A systematic review of the literature. Appetite. Advanced online publication. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.04.013
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., Buscemi, J., Vandell, D. L., Lee, K. T. H., & Bryant, F. B. (2019). Family entropy: Understanding the organization of the family home environment and impact on child health behaviors and weight. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(3), 413-421.
Loren, D. M., Bohnert, A. M. & DeCarlo Santiago, C. (2019). Measures of acculturation and relations to weight among Mexican-origin youth. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 6(2):365-370. doi: 10.1007/s40615-018-00533-0
Distel, L. M., Egbert, A. H., Bohnert, A. M., & Santiago, C. D. (2019). Chronic stress and food insecurity: Examining key environmental family factors related to Body Mass Index among low-income Mexican-Origin youth. Family & Community Health, 42(3), 213-220.
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., & Gerstein, D. (2018). Green schoolyards in low-income urban neighborhoods: Natural spaces for positive youth development outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00805.
Anderson, N.A., Bohnert, A., & Governale, A. (2018). Organized activity involvement among urban youth: Understanding family- and neighborhood-level predictors of involvement. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Advanced online publication.
Egbert, A. H., Bohnert, A., Bates, C., McLeod, D., Creber, C., Rosania, K., Ward, A., Dugas, L., & Silton, R. (2018). The heat is on: A mixed-method examination of eating behavior and executive functions among low-income minority girls during summertime. Journal of Early Adolescence, 39(5), 625–641.
Bates, C., Buscemi, J., Nicholson, L., Cory, M., Jagpal, A., & Bohnert, A. (2018). Links between the organization of the family home environment and child obesity: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 19(5), 716-727.
Ventura, L., Randall, E., Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., Conley, C. & Bohnert, A. (2017). Looking good and making it seem easy: Understanding the role of effortless perfectionism, body image, and BMI in unhealthy weight-control behaviors among female adolescents and young adults. Emerging Adulthood. Advanced online publication.
Guzman, M., Bohnert, A., & McLeod, D. (2017). Dimensions of organized activity involvement among Latino youth: Impact on well-being. Journal of Adolescence. 60, 130-139.
Bohnert, A., Bates, C., Heard, A., Burdette, K., Ward, A., Silton, R., & Dugas, L. (2017). Improving urban minority girls' health via community summer programming. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(6), 1237-1245.
McLeod, D., Bates, C., Heard, A., Bohnert, A., & Santiago, C. D. (2017). Parent perception of child weight status in Mexican-origin immigrant families: An investigation of acculturation, stress, and coping factors. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Advanced online publication.
Lieb, R. W., & Bohnert, A. M. (2017). Relations between executive functions, social impairment, and friendship quality on adjustment among high functioning youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advanced online publication.
Ward, A., Arola, N., Bohnert, A., Leib, R. (2017). Social-emotional adjustment and pet ownership among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Communication Disorders, 65, 35-42.
Bohnert, A., Zarrett, N., Beets, M., Hall, G., Buscemi, J., Heard, A., & Pate, R. (2017). Curbing summertime weight gain among America’s youth. Retrieved from
McLeod, D. L., Buscemi, J., & Bohnert, A. M. (2016). Becoming American, becoming obese? A systematic review of acculturation and weight among Latino youth. Obesity Reviews. 17(11):1040–1049.
Bohnert, A., Lieb, R., & Arola, N. (2016). More than leisure: Organized activity participation and socio-emotional adjustment among adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication.
Bohnert, A., Zarrett, N., & Heard, A. (2016). The role of summertime in child obesity: risks and opportunities. In K. Alexander, S. Pitcock, & M. Boulay (Eds.), The Summer Slide: What We Know and Can Do About Summer Learning Loss (pp. 161-176). New York: Teacher’s College Press.
Bohnert, A., McLeod, D. L., Marshall, H. & Grant, K. (2016). Summertime and psychosocial well-being: Risks and resilience. In K. Alexander, S. Pitcock, & M. Boulay (Eds.), The Summer Slide: What We Know and Can Do About Summer Learning Loss (pp. 177-189). New York: Teacher’s College Press.
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., Ward, A., Burdette, K., Kliethermes, S., Silton, R., Welch, S., & Dugas L. (2016). Sleep is in for summer: Patterns of sleep and physical activity in urban minority girls. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 41, 692-700.
Randall, E., Bohnert, A., & Travers, L. (2015). Understanding affluent adolescent adjustment: The interplay of parental perfectionism, perceived parental pressure, and organized activity involvement. Journal of Adolescence, 41, 56-66.
Travers, L., Randall, E., Bryant, F., Conley, C., & Bohnert, A. (2015). The cost of perfection with apparent ease: Theoretical foundations and development of the effortless perfectionism scale. Psychological Assessment, 27, 1147-1159.
Randall, E., Travers, L., Shapiro, J., & Bohnert, A. (2015). Reasons for the "after-school pressure cooker" in affluent communities: It's not how much time, but why. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, 1559.
Fredricks, J., Bohnert, A., & Burdette, K. (2014). Moving beyond attendance: Lessons learned from assessing in afterschool contexts. New Directions in Youth Development, 144, 45-56.
Bohnert, A., Ward, A., Burdette, K., Silton, R., & Dugas, L. (2014). Active summers matter: An interdisciplinary evaluation of a community-based summertime program targeting obesogenic behaviors of low-income, ethnic minority girls. New Directions in Youth Development.
Bohnert, A., Burdette, K., Dugas, L., Travers, L., Randall, E., & Richards, M., & Luke, A. (2013). A multi-method analysis of discretionary time use and obesogenic behaviors in urban low-income African-American adolescents. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 34(8), 589-598.
Bohnert, A., Aikins, J. & Arola, N. (2013). Regrouping: Organized activity involvement and social adjustment across the transition to high school. New Directions in Child Development, 140, 57-75.
Travers, L., Bohnert, A., & Randall, E. (2013). Adolescent adjustment and affluent communities: The role of motivational climate and goal orientation. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 423-428.
Karr, T. M., Davidson, D., Bryant, F. B., Balague, G., & Bohnert, A. M. (2013). Sport type and interpersonal and intrapersonal predictors of body dissatisfaction in high school female sport participants. Body Image, 10, 210-219.
Bohnert A. M., & Ward, A. K. (2013). Making a difference: Evaluating the girls in the game (GIG) after-school program. Journal of Early Adolescence, 33, 104-130.
Randall, E. & Bohnert, A. (2011). Understanding threshold effects of organized activity involvement in adolescents: Sex and family income as moderators. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 107-118.
Stanley, C. & Bohnert, A. (2011). The moderating effects of organized activities on the relations between body mass and social adjustment in adolescents. North American Journal of Psychology, 13, 210-18.
Bohnert, A. Randall, E., Tharp, S., & Germann, J. (2011). The development and evaluation of a youth-designed portion plate: A Pilot Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 43, 268-273.
Bohnert, A., Fredricks, J., & Randall, E. (2010). Capturing unique dimensions of youth’s organized activity involvement: Theoretical and methodological considerations. Review of Educational Research, 80, 576-610.
Riggs, N., Bohnert, A., Guzman, M. & Davidson, D (2010). Examining the potential of community-based after-school programming for Latino youth. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 417-429.
Durlak, J., Mahoney, J., & Bohnert, A. (2010). Commentary for special issue on after-school programming. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 285-293.
Randall, E. & Bohnert, A. (2009). Organized activity involvement, depressive symptoms, and social adjustment in adolescents: Ethnicity and socioeconomic status as moderators. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38,1187-1198.
Bohnert, A., Richards, M., Kohl, K., & Randall, E. (2009). Discretionary time activities and emotional experiences as predictors of delinquency and depressive symptoms among urban African American adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 587–601.
Bohnert, A., Richards, M., Kolmodin, K., & Lakin, B. (2008). Young Urban African American Adolescents’ Experience of Discretionary Time Activities. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 18, 517-539.
Bohnert, A., Kane, P., & Garber, J. (2008). Organized activity participation and internalizing and externalizing symptoms: Reciprocal relations during adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 239-250.
Bohnert, A. & Garber, J. (2007). Prospective relations between organized activity participation and psychopathology during adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35, 1021-1033.
Bohnert, A, Martin, N, & Garber, J. (2007). Predicting adolescents’ organized activity involvement: The role of maternal depression history, family relationship quality and adolescent cognitions. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 17, 221-244.
Bohnert, A., Aikins, J., & Edidin, J. (2007). The role of organized activities in facilitating social adaptation across the transition to college. Journal of Adolescent Research, 22, 189-208.
Tu, F. F., Hellman, K., Darnell, S., Harber, K., Bohnert, A. M., Singh, L., & Walker, L. (In press). A multidimensional appraisal of early menstrual pain experience. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
DeZelar., M., Burns, M., Rosania, K. & Bohnert, A.M. (In press). Strategies for evaluating collective impact initiatives: Lessons learned from a community-academic partnership. American Journal of Evaluation.
Nicholson, L., Bohnert, A.M., & Crowley S. J. (2023). A developmental perspective on sleep consistency: Early childhood through emerging adulthood. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 21, 97-116.
Schrepf, A., Hellman, K., Bohnert, A. M., Williams, D. A. & Tu, F. (2022). Generalized sensory sensitivity is associated with comorbid pain symptoms: A replication study in women with dysmenorrhea. Pain. doi: 10.1097/j.pain.0000000000002676. PMID 35543649. Advance online publication.
Rea, E. M., DeCarlo Santiago, C., Nicholson, L., Heard Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. M. (2023). Sleep, affect, and emotion reactivity in first-year college students: A daily diary study. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-16.
Rea, E., Nicholson, L., Mead, M., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A.M. (2022) Daily relations between nap occurrence, duration, and timing and nocturnal sleep patterns in college students. Sleep Health, 8(4), 356-363.
Nicholson, L., Bohnert, A.M., & Crowley S. J. (2022). A developmental perspective on sleep consistency: Early childhood through emerging adulthood. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 1-20. doi: 10.1080/15402002.2021.2024192. Advance online publication.
Egbert, A.H., Stockdale, L.A., Nicholson, L., Sroka, A., Szpak, V., Morrison, R.G., Silton, R., & Bohnert, A.M. (2022). Delicious and difficult to resist?: Inhibitory control differs after exposure to food and non-food commercials. Appetite, 173, 105993. doi: 10.1016/j.appet.2022.105993.
Loren, D. M., Rea, E. M., Harber, K. A., & Bohnert, A. M. (2022). Testing an ecological model of obesity among children: Identifying targets for intervention. Health Psychology, 41(3), 193-203. doi: 10.1037/hea0001163.
Bohnert, A. M., Nicholson, L. M., Mertz, L., Bates, C. R., & Gerstein, D. E . (2021). Green schoolyard renovations in low‐income urban neighborhoods: Benefits to students, schools, and the surrounding community. American Journal of Community Psychology.
Bates, C. R., Nicholson, L. M., Rea, E. M., Hagy, H. A., & Bohnert, A. M. (2021). Life
interrupted: Family routines buffer stress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 1-11. doi: 10.1007/s10826-021-02063-6.
Anderson, N. A., Huguenel, B. M., Bohnert, A.M., & Conley, C. S. (2021). Organized activity involvement across the transition to college: Multiple dimensions predicting adjustment. Journal of College Orientation, Transition, and Retention.
Brazendale, K., Beets, M.W., Armstrong, B., Weaver, R.G., Hunt, E.T., Pate, R.R., Brusseau T.A., Bohnert, A.M., Olds, T., Tassitano, R.M., Tenorio, M.C.M., Garcia, J., Andersen, L.B., Davey, R., Hallal, P.C., Jago, R., Kolle, E., Kriemler, S., Kristensen, P.L., Kwon, S., Puder, J.J., Salmon, J., Sardinha, L.B., van Sluijs, E.M.F. & on behalf of the ICAD collaborators (2021). Children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on weekdays versus weekend days: A multi-country analysis. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 18 doi: 10.1186/s12966-021-01095-x.
Gerstein, D. E., Bates, C., & Bohnert, A.M. (2021). Evaluating a green schoolyard transformation: A protocol using the RE-AIM framework. Children, Youth and Environments, 31, 187-198.
Nicholson, L., McLeod Loren, D., Reifenberg, A., Beets, M., & Bohnert, A.M. (2021). School as a protective setting for excess weight gain and child obesity: A meta-analysis. Journal of School Health.
Egbert, A.H. Nicholson, L., Sroka, A., Silton, R., & Bohnert, A.M. (2020). Binge eating, but not dietary restraint, moderates the association between unhealthy food marketing exposure and sugary food consumption. Eating Behaviors, 101401.
Nicholson, L., Egbert, A.H., Moreno, J.P., & Bohnert, A.M. (2020). Variability of sleep and relations to body weight among first year college students. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 1-11.
Rea, E.M., Bohnert, A.M., Moreno, J.P., & Hardin, A. (2020). Keeping kids active: Summertime interventions to address physical activity. In T. Brusseau, S. Fairclough, & D. Lubans (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity. New York: Routledge.
Bohnert, A. M., Loren, D. M., & Miller, A. L. (2020). Examining childhood obesity through the lens of developmental psychopathology: Framing the issues to guide best practices in research and intervention. American Psychologist, 75(2), 163.
Egbert, A.H., Creber, C., Loren, D.M., & Bohnert, A.M. (2019). Executive function and dietary intake in youth: A systematic review of the literature. Appetite. Advanced online publication. DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2019.04.013
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., Buscemi, J., Vandell, D. L., Lee, K. T. H., & Bryant, F. B. (2019). Family entropy: Understanding the organization of the family home environment and impact on child health behaviors and weight. Translational Behavioral Medicine, 9(3), 413-421.
Loren, D. M., Bohnert, A. M. & DeCarlo Santiago, C. (2019). Measures of acculturation and relations to weight among Mexican-origin youth. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 6(2):365-370. doi: 10.1007/s40615-018-00533-0
Distel, L. M., Egbert, A. H., Bohnert, A. M., & Santiago, C. D. (2019). Chronic stress and food insecurity: Examining key environmental family factors related to Body Mass Index among low-income Mexican-Origin youth. Family & Community Health, 42(3), 213-220.
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., & Gerstein, D. (2018). Green schoolyards in low-income urban neighborhoods: Natural spaces for positive youth development outcomes. Frontiers in Psychology. Advanced online publication. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2018.00805.
Anderson, N.A., Bohnert, A., & Governale, A. (2018). Organized activity involvement among urban youth: Understanding family- and neighborhood-level predictors of involvement. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. Advanced online publication.
Egbert, A. H., Bohnert, A., Bates, C., McLeod, D., Creber, C., Rosania, K., Ward, A., Dugas, L., & Silton, R. (2018). The heat is on: A mixed-method examination of eating behavior and executive functions among low-income minority girls during summertime. Journal of Early Adolescence, 39(5), 625–641.
Bates, C., Buscemi, J., Nicholson, L., Cory, M., Jagpal, A., & Bohnert, A. (2018). Links between the organization of the family home environment and child obesity: A systematic review. Obesity Reviews, 19(5), 716-727.
Ventura, L., Randall, E., Shapiro, J., Kirsch, A., Conley, C. & Bohnert, A. (2017). Looking good and making it seem easy: Understanding the role of effortless perfectionism, body image, and BMI in unhealthy weight-control behaviors among female adolescents and young adults. Emerging Adulthood. Advanced online publication.
Guzman, M., Bohnert, A., & McLeod, D. (2017). Dimensions of organized activity involvement among Latino youth: Impact on well-being. Journal of Adolescence. 60, 130-139.
Bohnert, A., Bates, C., Heard, A., Burdette, K., Ward, A., Silton, R., & Dugas, L. (2017). Improving urban minority girls' health via community summer programming. Journal of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities, 4(6), 1237-1245.
McLeod, D., Bates, C., Heard, A., Bohnert, A., & Santiago, C. D. (2017). Parent perception of child weight status in Mexican-origin immigrant families: An investigation of acculturation, stress, and coping factors. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health. Advanced online publication.
Lieb, R. W., & Bohnert, A. M. (2017). Relations between executive functions, social impairment, and friendship quality on adjustment among high functioning youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advanced online publication.
Ward, A., Arola, N., Bohnert, A., Leib, R. (2017). Social-emotional adjustment and pet ownership among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. Journal of Communication Disorders, 65, 35-42.
Bohnert, A., Zarrett, N., Beets, M., Hall, G., Buscemi, J., Heard, A., & Pate, R. (2017). Curbing summertime weight gain among America’s youth. Retrieved from
McLeod, D. L., Buscemi, J., & Bohnert, A. M. (2016). Becoming American, becoming obese? A systematic review of acculturation and weight among Latino youth. Obesity Reviews. 17(11):1040–1049.
Bohnert, A., Lieb, R., & Arola, N. (2016). More than leisure: Organized activity participation and socio-emotional adjustment among adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. Advance online publication.
Bohnert, A., Zarrett, N., & Heard, A. (2016). The role of summertime in child obesity: risks and opportunities. In K. Alexander, S. Pitcock, & M. Boulay (Eds.), The Summer Slide: What We Know and Can Do About Summer Learning Loss (pp. 161-176). New York: Teacher’s College Press.
Bohnert, A., McLeod, D. L., Marshall, H. & Grant, K. (2016). Summertime and psychosocial well-being: Risks and resilience. In K. Alexander, S. Pitcock, & M. Boulay (Eds.), The Summer Slide: What We Know and Can Do About Summer Learning Loss (pp. 177-189). New York: Teacher’s College Press.
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., Ward, A., Burdette, K., Kliethermes, S., Silton, R., Welch, S., & Dugas L. (2016). Sleep is in for summer: Patterns of sleep and physical activity in urban minority girls. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, 41, 692-700.
Randall, E., Bohnert, A., & Travers, L. (2015). Understanding affluent adolescent adjustment: The interplay of parental perfectionism, perceived parental pressure, and organized activity involvement. Journal of Adolescence, 41, 56-66.
Travers, L., Randall, E., Bryant, F., Conley, C., & Bohnert, A. (2015). The cost of perfection with apparent ease: Theoretical foundations and development of the effortless perfectionism scale. Psychological Assessment, 27, 1147-1159.
Randall, E., Travers, L., Shapiro, J., & Bohnert, A. (2015). Reasons for the "after-school pressure cooker" in affluent communities: It's not how much time, but why. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 25, 1559.
Fredricks, J., Bohnert, A., & Burdette, K. (2014). Moving beyond attendance: Lessons learned from assessing in afterschool contexts. New Directions in Youth Development, 144, 45-56.
Bohnert, A., Ward, A., Burdette, K., Silton, R., & Dugas, L. (2014). Active summers matter: An interdisciplinary evaluation of a community-based summertime program targeting obesogenic behaviors of low-income, ethnic minority girls. New Directions in Youth Development.
Bohnert, A., Burdette, K., Dugas, L., Travers, L., Randall, E., & Richards, M., & Luke, A. (2013). A multi-method analysis of discretionary time use and obesogenic behaviors in urban low-income African-American adolescents. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 34(8), 589-598.
Bohnert, A., Aikins, J. & Arola, N. (2013). Regrouping: Organized activity involvement and social adjustment across the transition to high school. New Directions in Child Development, 140, 57-75.
Travers, L., Bohnert, A., & Randall, E. (2013). Adolescent adjustment and affluent communities: The role of motivational climate and goal orientation. Journal of Adolescence, 36, 423-428.
Karr, T. M., Davidson, D., Bryant, F. B., Balague, G., & Bohnert, A. M. (2013). Sport type and interpersonal and intrapersonal predictors of body dissatisfaction in high school female sport participants. Body Image, 10, 210-219.
Bohnert A. M., & Ward, A. K. (2013). Making a difference: Evaluating the girls in the game (GIG) after-school program. Journal of Early Adolescence, 33, 104-130.
Randall, E. & Bohnert, A. (2011). Understanding threshold effects of organized activity involvement in adolescents: Sex and family income as moderators. Journal of Adolescence, 35, 107-118.
Stanley, C. & Bohnert, A. (2011). The moderating effects of organized activities on the relations between body mass and social adjustment in adolescents. North American Journal of Psychology, 13, 210-18.
Bohnert, A. Randall, E., Tharp, S., & Germann, J. (2011). The development and evaluation of a youth-designed portion plate: A Pilot Study. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 43, 268-273.
Bohnert, A., Fredricks, J., & Randall, E. (2010). Capturing unique dimensions of youth’s organized activity involvement: Theoretical and methodological considerations. Review of Educational Research, 80, 576-610.
Riggs, N., Bohnert, A., Guzman, M. & Davidson, D (2010). Examining the potential of community-based after-school programming for Latino youth. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 417-429.
Durlak, J., Mahoney, J., & Bohnert, A. (2010). Commentary for special issue on after-school programming. American Journal of Community Psychology, 45, 285-293.
Randall, E. & Bohnert, A. (2009). Organized activity involvement, depressive symptoms, and social adjustment in adolescents: Ethnicity and socioeconomic status as moderators. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38,1187-1198.
Bohnert, A., Richards, M., Kohl, K., & Randall, E. (2009). Discretionary time activities and emotional experiences as predictors of delinquency and depressive symptoms among urban African American adolescents. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 38, 587–601.
Bohnert, A., Richards, M., Kolmodin, K., & Lakin, B. (2008). Young Urban African American Adolescents’ Experience of Discretionary Time Activities. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 18, 517-539.
Bohnert, A., Kane, P., & Garber, J. (2008). Organized activity participation and internalizing and externalizing symptoms: Reciprocal relations during adolescence. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 37, 239-250.
Bohnert, A. & Garber, J. (2007). Prospective relations between organized activity participation and psychopathology during adolescence. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 35, 1021-1033.
Bohnert, A, Martin, N, & Garber, J. (2007). Predicting adolescents’ organized activity involvement: The role of maternal depression history, family relationship quality and adolescent cognitions. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 17, 221-244.
Bohnert, A., Aikins, J., & Edidin, J. (2007). The role of organized activities in facilitating social adaptation across the transition to college. Journal of Adolescent Research, 22, 189-208.
Presentations and Conferences
Bohnert, A., Hagy, H., Rea, E., Crowley, S., Tu F., & Hellman, K. (2023, April). Variability in Sleep among Girls during Early Adolescence: The Role of Environmental Sensitivity and Affect. In Staiano, A. & Hamilton, K. (Chairs), Individual Psychological Processes that Influence Pediatric Health Behaviors Symposium presented at the 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Phoenix AZ, United States. April 27-29, 2023.
Khatoon, S., Hagy, H., Rea, L., Bohnert, A., Crowley, S, Hellman, K., & Tu, F. (2023, April). Psychological Well-Being, Executive Function, and Sleep Health among Pre-Menarcheal Girls. Poster presented at the 44th Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Phoenix, AZ, United States. April 27-29, 2023.
Onyeise, D., Rea, E., Hagy, H., Bohnert, A.M. (2022, April). Relations Between COVID Stress and Eating Habits Among Youth During the Pandemic. Poster accepted at the 94th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. April 21-23.
Rehal, A., Rea, E., Hagy, H., Bohnert, A.M. (2022, April). Relations Between Executive Function and Snacking Behaviors in Youth during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Poster accepted at the 94th Annual Midwestern Psychological Association Conference, Chicago, IL, United States. April 21-23.
Djambov, L., Rea, E., Nicholson, L., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A.M., (2022, April). Depressive and Anxiety Symptoms and their Association with Sleep Regularity in Female College Students. Poster presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States. April 6-9, 2022.
Hagy, H., Rea, E., Crowley, S., Bohnert, A., Tu, F., & Hellman, K. (2022, April). On the brink: Sleep as a protective factor for psychological well-being among peri-menarcheal adolescent girls. Poster presented at 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States. April 6-9, 2022.
Rea, E., Hagy, H., Nicholson, L., Bates, C., & Bohnert, A. (2022, April). Sleep in the time of COVID: Implications of the Home Environment on Youth’s Sleep During the Pandemic. In A. Bohnert (Chair), Contextual Contributions to Sleep among Youth: A Developmental Perspective. Symposium presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States. April 6-9, 2022.
Younan, M., Hagy, H., Bohnert, A., & Egbert, A. Implications of chronotype on inhibition in college students. (2021, April) Poster presented at the virtual meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Garcia, B., Bohnert, A., Hagy, H., & Egbert, A. Implications of eating styles: Investigating the associations between depression, BMI, and eating for physical reasons (EPR). (2021, April) Poster presented at the virtual meeting of the Midwest Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Reed, K., Nicholson, L. M., Bates, C. R., Bohnert, A. M. (2021, April). Working “with” home: A comparison of mothers’ and fathers’ experiences of stress and coping related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Poster presented at the virtual meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Bates, C., Rea, E., Nicholson, L., Hagy, H., & Bohnert, A. (2021, April). Life Interrupted: How Family Routines Buffer Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic. In A. Bohnert (Chair), COVID-19 and Protective Factors in Family Life: A Developmental Perspective. Symposium accepted at the 2021 Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennial Meeting.
Harber, K., Rea, E., Bohnert, A., Heard Egbert, A., & Nicholson, L (2021, April) Compulsive Exercise in College Students. Poster accepted at the 2021 Society for Research in Child Development Virtual Biennal Meeting.
Deane, K., Nicholson, L., Mukherjee, S., Vogel, L., & Zebracki, K. (2020, September). Transition to adulthood outcomes in youth with spinal cord injuries: Risk and protective factors. Poster accepted at the meeting of the American Academy for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Brazendale, K., Beets, M.W., Weaver, R.G., Pate R.R., Brusseau, T.A., Bohnert, A.M., Armstrong, B., Hunt, E.T., Olds, T., Tassitano, R.M., & Tenorio, M.C. (June, 2020). Children’s moderate-to-vigorous physical activity on weekdays versus weekend days: A multi-country analysis of the ‘Structured Days Hypothesis’. Abstract accepted at the annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Auckand, New Zealand. (Conference Canceled).
Turchmanovych, N., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. (2020, April). Assessing the impact of advertising on women. Poster accepted at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL. (Conference Canceled).
Rea, E.M., Bohnert, A.M., Moreno, J.P., & Hardin, A. (2020, April). Keeping Kids Active: Summertime Interventions to Address Physical Activity. In A. Bohnert (Chair), Examining the science of childhood obesity interventions: Three recent systematic reviews of critical contexts. Symposium accepted at the 41st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA, United States. (Conference Canceled).
Gremp, A., Rea, E.M., Nicholson, L., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. (2020, April) Implications of Chronodisruption on Physical and Mental Health in College Students. Poster accepted at the 41st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled).
Bohnert, A.M., Nicholson, L., Mertz, L., Bates, C., & Gerstein, D. (2020, April). Enhancing youth’s physical activity in urban neighborhoods via green schoolyard transformations. Paper accepted at the 41st Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, San Francisco, CA. (Conference Canceled).
Loren, D.M., Bohnert, A. M., & Bryant, F. (2020, March). An ecological model of childhood obesity development: Identifying targets for tailored intervention. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Virtual Conference.
Nicholson, L., Murray, C., Ohanian, D., & Holmbeck, G. (2020, March). Neurocognitive, academic, and psychosocial functioning among adolescents with spina bifida: the role of bedtime intraindividual variability. Poster presented at the meeting of the Society of Pediatric Psychology, Virtual Conference.
Nicholson, L., Ohanian, D., Oh, A., & Ventura, L. (2020. February). Neuropsychological functioning and academic achievement in pediatric sickle cell disease: the influence of sleep on performance. Poster presented at the meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Denver, CO.
Nicholson, L., Bates, C., Gerstein, D., & Bohnert, A.M. (2019, August). Transformation of green schoolyards in low-income urban neighborhoods: Changes in perceptions of safety, cohesion, and social interactions. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Szpak, V., Egbert, A., Nicholson, L., & Bohnert, A. (2019, April). Disordered eating symptoms are differentially associated with reward/punishment sensitivity. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Midwestern Psychological Association, Chicago, IL.
Turchmanovych, N., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. (2019, April). Assessing the impact of advertising on women. Poster session presented at the meeting of Loyola Weekend of Excellence, Chicago, IL.
Bates, C., Bohnert, A., Buscemi, J., Vandell, D. L., Lee, K. T. H., & Bryant, F. B. (2019, March). Family entropy: Understanding the organization of the home environment and impact on weight in elementary school children. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Beets M.W., Bohnert A. M., Loren D.M., & Nicholson, L. (2019, March). School year as an obesity intervention: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Nicholson, L., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. (2019, March). Consistency of sleep and relations to BMI among first year college students. In J. Moreno (Chair), Social rhythms, sleep patterns, and obesity across the lifespan. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Reifenberg, A., Nicholson, L., Egbert, A., & Bohnert, A. (2019, March). Eating patterns among college students: The influence of eating pathology and living arrangements. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, D.C.
Polnaszek, K.L., Kahrilas, I.J., Murray, C., Bohnert, A., Hellman, K.M., Tu, F.F., & Silton, R.L. (2018, September). Pain symptomatology influences inhibitory control through psychological symptoms in emerging adults. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research in Psychopathology (SRP), Indianapolis, IN.
Egbert, A.H., Bohnert, A.M., Bates, C., Loren, D., Creber, C., Rosania, K.,…Silton, R. (2018, September). An investigation of night eating and inhibitory control in adolescent girls. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Research on Psychopathology, Indianapolis, IN.
Bohnert, A., Bates, C., & Gerstein, D. (2018, June). If you build it, will they come? The influence of perceptions of safety and neighborhood cohesion on utilization and physical activity on renovated green schoolyards. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Hong Kong.
Bohnert, A., Bates, C., Heard, A., Oliveira, N.G. & Laus, M.F. (2018, June). School breaks are detrimental to body weight among early elementary school children in Brazil. Paper tpresented at the annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Hong Kong.
Egbert, A.H., Creber, C., McLeod, D., & Bohnert, A. (2018, April). Hold the fries: A systematic review of executive function and dietary intake among youth. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Bates, C., Buscemi, J., Nicholson, L., Cory, M., Jagpal, A., & Bohnert, A. (2018, April). Family entropy: A systematic review of organization of the family home environment and child obesity. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Nicholson, L., Bates, C., & Bohnert, A. (2018, April). Summertime sleep variability among urban minority youth: Differences between structured and unstructured settings. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA
Bohnert, A., Bates, C., Nicholson, L., & Gerstein, D.E. (2018, April). Green schoolyards in urban neighborhoods: Settings for physical activity and pro-social behavior. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, New Orleans, LA.
Bates, C., & Bohnert, A. (2017, April). Family disorganization is associated with sleep problems in school-aged children. Poster presented at the Society for Pediatric Psychology Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
Bohnert, A., Bates, C., & Gerstein, D.E. (2017, March). Multi-method green schoolyard evaluations for the real world: Space to Grow’s health & wellness evaluation. Paper presented at the Loyola University Center for Urban Research and Learning Seminar, Chicago, IL.